Milestone Family Session | The Gildea Family

Sometimes, there is no greater surprise than hearing from old friends who want to get together.. even better when I get to bring my camera along to behold what their sweet family has grown into.  Ang and I went to grad school together… and it’s so hard to believe it had literally been years since we got together.  I think that’s why I loved this session SO MUCH!  Getting able to catch up, to hear about her job, to behold her sweet baby boy– sorry… GROWING LITTLE BOY…what a gift!!


daddy’s boy | those sweet baby giggles | callum’s giggle | their best friend

Milestone Family Session | The Gildea Family

Sometimes, there is no greater surprise than hearing from old friends who want to get together.. even better when I get to bring my camera along to behold what their sweet family has grown into.  Ang and I went to grad school together… and it’s so hard to believe it had literally been years since we got together.  I think that’s why I loved this session SO MUCH!  Getting able to catch up, to hear about her job, to behold her sweet baby boy– sorry… GROWING LITTLE BOY…what a gift!!


daddy’s boy | those sweet baby giggles | callum’s giggle | their best friend

Our passion is family. In a world that is fast-paced and ever changing, it is truly a gift for us to offer our families laid back time for joy and love with one another! It's our job to behold that special love in all of its glory. It's our pure honor to capture these beautiful moments and create forever memories that need no words.