Jed and Swati mean THE WHOLE WORLD to me. They were some of my very first LO.CO. clients when I revamped BYP in 2016 and they have stuck with me ever since. Their anniversary session was one that Trey and I still talk about because of how funny Jed made me feel. I don’t think anyone has EVER laughed so hard at my jokes! The following year, when Swati emailed me asking if I’d do their maternity pics, my heart literally leaped in excitement for their family. When clients drive an hour after a c-section AND gallbladder removal just for newborn portraits, they help define the mission of this business as our FAMILY! I can’t believe here we are, ONE YEAR LATER celebrating Keerthi’s first birthday. How unbelievably gorgeous is she?!
dinosaur calls | really proud parents | icing fingers | BYP bonding time